NOTE: The Hut Booking Rules are additional and separate to the Hut Rules. • Booking can be made on the club website or email, text or phone the hut booking officer.
• For full members only
• 16 of the club bunks can be booked up to 12 months in advance.
• Fixed bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable.
• Four of the fixed booking bunks will be available for guests (this number can be increased by applying to the committee for additional guest space.)
• Full payment for the fixed bookings will be made via the club account at time of booking. • Bunks that are un-booked through the fixed booking scheme 11 days prior to the date will become available for regular bookings.
• If fixed bookings cannot be used, the hut booking officer is to be notified. (This does not in any way infer that a refund or transfer is available)
• 16 of the bunks plus those that have not been booked through the fixed booking scheme will be available for booking up to 11 days ahead of any time.
• Hut fees must be paid within 48 hours of receiving confirmation of the hut booking. • Weekend bookings for guests will be confirmed after 8 pm on the preceding Wednesday. For other days, confirmation for guests wishing to stay in the Hut is two days in advance dependant on available beds. Once confirmed, guests cannot be displaced by a member with a late booking.
• If you are unable to get to the hut because the Bruce Road is closed, you will be credited for the nights not stayed (does not apply to fixed bookings).
• Weekend cancellations made after 8 pm on the preceding Wednesday will be charged for the weekend. If the committee find a replacement for your booking, then we may cancel that charge.
• Temporary rule for 2023 season only – Booking officer has discretionary rights after 7pm Friday, to allow booking of Saturday night on its own, solely if spaces are available.
• When and if the hut is more than 50% booked, the booking officer will allocate bunk numbers in the regular fashion.
• Subscriptions must be fully paid prior to make a booking.
• During the RAL Ski season, bookings for either Friday or Saturday nights will be charged for the full weekend. (2 nights)
• When making a booking for a junior/youth member, there must be an adult member who will accompany that junior/youth member while staying in the hut and be responsible for that junior/youth member at all times.
• Junior members are five years to twelve years of age inclusive.
• Youth members are thirteen years to seventeen years of age inclusive.
• No children under the age of five are to stay overnight in the hut without permission of the committee.